Bwana Asifiwe (God bless you!)

I am combining my blog for the past two days of CWME because honestly, I've just been exhausted. Yesterday we focused on "missional formation" and today was "embracing the cross". This year was the largest WCC mission conference since Edinburgh 1910, with 1024 delegates. It was also the first conference held in Africa since 1958 in Ghana. 

Today in small groups, we reflected on three questions.. 

1) how was the GETI2018 experience for you? It was a great opportunity to meet new people from all over the world, experience ecumenism firsthand, and have respectful dialogue. 

2) what would you have liked to see included? More exposure to Tanzanian culture and nature, more free time and rest, more practical learning (rather than theological)

3) what concrete projects will you work on as a result of this experience? It will definitely influence academic papers. It also gave me lots of resources from a non-western perspective. And made me reflect on theological education as book v. practical training. I also want to steward my experience by passing on my new learning and experiences to others. 

We concluded GETI and WCME tonight. My friend and I got a few souvenirs and many of us spent our last night here socializing at the bar.

Tomorrow, I am off on a safari!!!

Small group 10!

Terrible selfie with wonderful friends

Local theatrical group, assisting in worship


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