A place to belong

I volunteered to be one of the bible study round table facilitators for the conference. The materials come prepared but today, I facilitated conversation with an archbishop, a bishop, and a theology professor at my table. Eek! 

Today was youth day at CWME!

A group from GETI provided noon worship. The spoke their native languages and presented mustard seeds of hope.

Another GETI group led youth sokoni - sokoni is a kiswahili term for a community marketplace to exchange commodomities and products. At the mission conference, it's a marketplace of ideas, stories, and activities as a prospective from the margins. It values prophetic mission thinking and practice. The youth theme is faith, hope and love with categories of on the streets (unique places of the Church today), in the fire (nurturing warmth and ravaging heat), under the shells (security, belonging, protection, home), up with the kites (inspiration and renewal) . 

And my group led the evening program. I helped introduce by saying welcome in three languages. We read from acts 2 about Pentecost and ascended the stage praising God in our own languages (I'm trying to find a video). We heard testimonies of oppression by several young people about indigenous groups, gender, race, youth, friendship. We then had conversation, and presented alternatives of hope. And we sang and danced! We had a lot of fun and it was well received by CWME. 


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